Frequent Questions


Whenn will the runtime of my package begin?

The runtime does not start with the purchase. Instead, you can pick the moment by yourself using the publish button on your dashboard. Before that, you have plenty of time to prepare posters, cards or flyers with your QR code and upload custom badges for your guests.


What's the resolution of the pictures?

The pictures will be saved in two resolutions:

  • One image will be limited to 2400 x 1600 px. This picture includes the badge that your guests set when posting the image.
  • The other image will be saved in up to 4k, depending of the camera quality of the phone with which the image was taken.

When download the images, you get both resolutions. For example, you could use them for making a photo book.


What's a badge?

A badge is an image file with transparent background (png is the ideal file format for this). When posting pictures, your guests can pick a badge to be used for their image.

You can upload custom badges or use some from our template gallery. With that, you can give your picture wall a special look.


Can I see the pictures in a slideshow?

How the pictures are displayed on the picture wall can be customized by the viewers. If you use a big screen on your event, you can enable the slideshow mode there. New pictures will be shown immediately on upload.


How much time does the setup take?

In general, setting up the picture wall takes about 30 minutes. If you want to use custom badges, you should prepare those as png files with transparent background. You can find a detailed handbook for creating custom badges via your workspace after logging in in the badges section.

To get as many pictures as possible, you should make the QR codes as visible to your guests as possible by putting them on posters or flyers. Therefore, it would be wise to set up your account in time before the event. Do not worry: The runtime will only start when you publish the event on your dashboard yourself.